Date: April 2022
Roles: Creative, Design

Operation Vulcan was a highly publicised campaign by Greater Manchester Police to combat the manufacturing and sale of counterfeit branded goods in Manchester. Greater Manchester Police wanted a hard hitting out of home campaign to raise public awareness of the “true cost” of counterfeit goods.

The designs I created were hard-hitting concepts based around the idea that the counterfeit goods were not just evidence in themselves, but that they were also the product and source of funding of more serious crime.

Concepts / creative

I designed a handbag made from an evidence bag, containing laundered money and drugs, which became the centre piece of the campaign. The second concept was a composite image of a coat hanger and hand gun, which was one of my favourite designs.

I also created the tag line for the audio and outdoor campaign “Cheap and nasty” to sum up the activities behind counterfeit goods.

Bus, Tram and Roadside

Social Media

The Operation Vulcan campaign was featured  on the World Trademark Review website and the billboard I designed used as the home page banner of the WTR website.

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